Patrons in the United States
BibleProject is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization and gifts made in the US are 100% tax-deductible. You can set up a gift here.
Patrons in the United Kingdom
You can make a tax-deductible gift through Stewardship, a UK-based charity. You can set up a giving here.
Patrons in Canada
You can make a tax-deductible gift through the Great Commission Foundation. You can set up a giving here.
Patrons in other locations
If you are giving from outside the US, UK, or Canada, and wish to receive a tax deduction, you can visit TrustBridge Global to see if your country is one of several options with additional tax-deductible methods of giving to BibleProject. To get started, visit TrustBridge's website.
Other Notes
Due to third-party charitable giving guidelines, we're unable to send perks to patrons who give through Stewardship UK, the Great Commission Foundation, or any other organization via TrustBridge.
Additionally, BibleProject does not provide giving statements for giving through third-party organizations. Please reach out to the giving organization directly to get a record of your giving to BibleProject.
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