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Giving & Patrons
Giving & Patrons
Ways to give, update recurring gifts, and tax statements
Manage Your Giving
I want to support BibleProject! What's the best way to give?
How do I update my debit/credit card for monthly/yearly giving?
How do I update my monthly/yearly gift amount?
How do I end my monthly/yearly giving to BibleProject?
Are late end-of-year gifts processed as 2024 or 2025 giving?
Other Ways to Give
What's BibleProject's standard gift acceptance policy?
Can I mail a personal check or Billpay gift to you?
Is my employer eligible for a matched-giving contributions?
Can I contribute stocks, bonds, or mutual funds gifts to you?
Can I give through a non-US currency?
Giving History & Tax Statements
How long will it take my bank to successfully process a new gift?
What if my monthly giving doesn't show under my account?
How do I see my giving history and access tax statements?
Are gifts to BibleProject tax-deductible?
BibleProject Patrons
What’s a BibleProject patron?
What do patrons receive from BibleProject?
When are patron mailings and thank-you gifts sent out?
Still have questions?
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