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BibleProject App
BibleProject App
Learning tools and resources on your mobile device
Getting Started
Do I need a BibleProject account to access the app?
Can I sign in to the app using my website account?
Are there system requirements to install the app?
Finding Resources
What happened to the Torah Reading Journey and Skill Studies?
I’m new to the app. Can you show me around?
Are there Bible studies in the app?
Where do I find classes in the app?
Accessibility Help
Can I change video playback speed in the app?
Are there video captions in the app?
Are there podcast transcripts in the app?
Technical Support
How do I switch the app Bible Reader translation?
Can I get technical support or leave app feedback?
Can you help with Read Scripture or YouVersion Bible app issues?
About the App
Is the mobile app available in other languages?
What's the difference between the app and website?
Does website progress show up in the app?
Still have questions?
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