Exploring Sermon on the Mount
If you're looking for material to study with a group, Sermon on the Mount Playlists are a great option for study and discussion.
Each playlist contains a portion of Scripture and curated content from videos, podcasts, and more. Each person in your group can access them in the BibleProject mobile app or on our website. You can go through the resources before discussing them together or go through them together as a group.
Find playlists on the website
- Want to see all the Sermon on the Mount playlists in one place? Find the playlist archives here.
Find playlists in the app
- Access playlists directly in the BibleProject mobile app. (Don't have the app? Download it here.)
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Thank you so much for the great year so far with the Sermon on the Mount. I am involved in two groups who are using the content. I downloaded the poster that has the structure of the sermon on the mount. Do you have plans to offer the visual commentary structure as a downloadable poster? That would be really helpful. Thanks!
Hi Denise!
I just emailed you a downloadable version of the charts we have available for our Sermon on the Mount series. :)
I hope they help!
I'm about to teach the Sermon on the Mount. Could you share that downloadable version of the chart? I don't think I've been able to find it!
I'd be happy to send them your way! Keep an eye on your inbox for an email. :)
Hello Lindsey!
Could you share the downloadable version of the charts for Sermon on the Mount with me as well? It would be really helpful! Thank you!
Hi @Lindsey,
as a church we plan to make a two month series with the mountain sermon. Du you have a poster we could use as a announcement and social media material? In the poster section i can only find one poster but non with this beautiful images from the series itself. And could you send me the overview over the visual commentary as well?
Much appreciated and thank you for this wonderful series!
We don't currently have promo materials for churches for our Sermon on the Mount series, but I can let our team know it is something that would be helpful in the future!
Thank you so much Lindsey. Would there be a downloadable version of the charts you have available for our Sermon on the Mount series you could send me as well? And would it be possible to use screenshots from the movie-clips in our sermon and it's anouncments?
Greetings from Germany :-)
Happy to help, @Christoph!
I just sent you an email with the charts. :)
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