Explore Jesus' essential teachings with us
Sermon on the Mount Playlists are curated selections of resources from our team: Scripture, videos, short podcast selections, articles, and more. You can access playlists on our website or in the app.
Playlists on the website
- Want to access past playlists on the website? See the collection here.
Playlists in the app
- Access playlists directly in the BibleProject mobile app. If you don't have the app, you can download it here.
Where to find different resources
- Videos from the animated Sermon on the Mount series here.
- These pages include reflection questions and script references for the video
- Visual Commentary videos from the Sermon on the Mount series here.
- Sermon on the Mount podcast series here.
- Articles on the Sermon on the Mount from the Scholar team here.
- Sermon on the Mount Guide pages here.
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Will these playlists still be available next year
I had a glitch where the (short) movies didn't load anymore (in the early playlists, the <2min bible-structure explaining animations)
Somehow it's fixed, maybe it was just me refreshing the app and it's connection :)
Can you keep this playlist online for next year? [I'm only now just starting, but like the format and think I'll catch up with you before the summer 😉⛱️]
Thanks for that bug report! We've released some bug fixes. I recommend updating your app, just in case.
While we won't be featuring playlists in the same way this year, they will still be available in the app—they're just not what we're highlighting this year. To access playlists in the app, you'll want to go to the Explore tab and select Sermon on the Mount. From here, you'll see the section to Meditate with Playlists.
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