Explore Scripture with Sermon on the Mount Weekly Playlists
In 2024, we're exploring the Sermon on the Mount and sending weekly playlist emails that explore Jesus' teachings in Matthew 5-7. Each week's email shares curated Scripture readings, videos, podcast selections, articles, and more.
Sign up to receive Sermon on the Mount Weekly Playlists here.
Looking for One Story That Leads to Jesus reading plan emails?
The One Story That Leads to Jesus reading plan is now on the YouVersion platform. Their Bible app offers additional features to help groups read together, many languages and Bible translation options, Bible audio, and customizable reading reminders.
While we don't have signups for One Story reading plan emails any longer, anyone currently on the plan will continue to receive the remaining weekly emails.
We also have a downloadable PDF for the One Story That Leads to Jesus reading plan to share the same reading prompts, hyperlinked videos, and articles. It's printer-friendly, too!
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